Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Makeup/Brush Talk

Hi All!
So I'm revamping my site. I want to keep it simple and fresh, maybe change the layout! If you have any ideas or comments let me know
So I'm gonna take a break from my "10 fav Skincare Products" and move on to makeup. I recently bought a macbookpro so I could actually start possibly working on tutorials and things like that but ofcourse I dont have anytime to.. and dont really know where to start!

I recently bought a ton of makeup brushes and probably have a collection of 60 ...Yeah 60 Makeup Brushes!!! I know its Psycho. Ive actually bought them over time and now have a bunch of amazing ones! I thought Id talk about the ones I like most.

My brushes are from:
Crown Royal
Estee Lauder

I think that covers majority of what I have. I cant think of the rest at the moment!
Stay Tuned...

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